WFH: Adam Schick

WFH: Adam Schick

Adam Schick is an Account Executive here at TWG who works with clients like Aaron’s, Gas South, Georgia’s Own Credit Union, and Audubon Communities. Some of Adam’s favorite things are chain restaurants, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and the Atlanta Braves. He’s also a big fan of late night talk shows, and channels his inner Colbert for our trivia sessions.



To start us off: as spokesman for the Fun Committee and the host of our staff trivia games, from which late night talk show host(s) do you pull your inspiration?



I watch Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers almost every night, so I guess some of that rubs off on me when I get in that mode, trying to slide in a snappy line or two along the way to see who is on my wavelength in the moment!



Love it! What is one thing you’ve taught yourself in the past months since working from home started?



I think I’ve learned more about communication and the importance of ensuring you are in lock-step with your fellow team members. So much of what we do is based on our team dynamics, so WFH has really forced many of us to communicate tasks and expectations more clearly than ever before, which is a good thing.



So true. We’ve all been forced to focus on our communication a little more, and definitely better for it!

We’ve been working from home for almost 5 months, is it? Have you come up with any “best practices” for working at home?



I think knocking out a to-do list is a really useful practice when working from home. Since the line is blurred between our professional time and our personal time during this unprecedented period, I find the most effective way to manage my responsibilities is to view the work day as completing certain tasks and focusing less on what time it is. The time of day is a much bigger factor when working at the office, as opposed to being at home and having more control over your schedule and how you get things done.



I agree with you there, that's useful advice!

Is there a win that you've been a part of for a client this year that has stuck out to you?



We put together an ambitious initiative for Georgia’s Own Credit Union in July, launching a month long webinar series aimed at helping people with job/income interruption due to COVID-19. Not only was the “Back to Work” series viewed by over 5,000 people on Facebook Live, but we also received coverage for it in the AJC’s “Helping Hands” feature in the Sunday edition, which was a huge win for Georgia’s Own!



How have you seen yourself grow during your time with Wilbert?



I feel like I’ve grown significantly in terms of working and collaborating with others. In my previous career as a sports broadcaster, the work I did was pretty insular and didn’t require much input from others, so it was definitely a change when I came to Wilbert, but I’m really grateful for it and how it’s helped me develop as a collaborator and leader.



That’s awesome that this switch could be so beneficial for your development! As you know, we give out “Gratitude Stickers” to people on our staff we were thankful for each week. Is there a “Gratitude Sticker” which someone gave to you and has stuck out to you?



I don’t know if any one gratitude sticker has stuck with me over time, but I think the program is an outstanding way for people to show their appreciation for others and to receive words of affirmation for their own hard work. The demands of working at an agency can be strenuous, and people don’t always have time to go out of their way to give credit or thanks, so having the weekly opportunity to give and receive gratitude goes a long way to making people feel their hard work is both seen and appreciated.



It is really great and I think it does make a big difference when people feel like their hard work is seen and appreciated!

What is the worst question you’ve ever been asked?




I would say any “what’s your favorite movie or TV show” question because any true movie/TV lover has significantly more than one answer!



That’s my answer too! Ok, last question! If you could have dinner with any 3 entertainers (alive or dead) who would they be?



I have always wanted to meet Jim Carrey, Sacha Baron Cohen and Robin Williams. They are all comedic geniuses and I would love to spend an evening hearing them riff and learning more about their creative process and what makes them tick.



That would be a very interesting and entertaining dinner.

That’s all the questions we have! Thanks for hopping on WFH with us, Adam!



Sure, thanks!

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