Thought Leadership

With the ongoing goal of establishing/strengthening’s Mark Toro’s reputation as an innovative commercial real estate developer, The Wilbert Group has deployed a multi-pronged strategy that includes LinkedIn blogs, media relations, video, awards and speaking opportunities.
Wilbert has worked with Toro for more than a decade - first when he was managing partner of North American Properties and more recently as the principal and chief vision officer of Toro Development Company. His strong reputation and credibility have helped him secure capital, ink partnerships and gain support for bold development plans.
We have generated media coverage — including bylined pieces, profiles and Q&As — in media outlets including The New York Times, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Nashville Business Journal and influential trade publication Chain Store Age. We have secured awards for Toro such as “55 Most Influential Atlantans” from Atlanta Magazine, CEO of the Year from Atlanta Business Chronicle and Entrepreneur of the Year from the Hispanic Business and Achievement Leaders Awards. Speaking opportunities have included influential local panels like the Defining Atlanta series with the Atlanta Business Chronicle, as well as panels with leading industry organizations such as ICSC, the International Council of Shopping Centers.

In recent years, we have layered in a strong digital presence, with consistent LinkedIn blogs that we ghost-write. A recent LinkedIn blog called “The Cool Hunt” generated more than 1,000 views and nearly 200 engagements. Also on the digital front, we have used video to capture Toro’s latest thinking on his industry, allowing a broader audience to experience his provocative ideas and charismatic speaking style.